Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This scene wasn't in Eternal Sunshine was it? I don't remember it but it's really cute. I love Kate Winslet.

Not having access to facebook is making communication very difficult. I talked with a friend who is getting married this summer about doing her wedding photos but since I deleted facebook and don't have her phone number, I have no idea what's going on. I'm probably losing the gig is what's going on. Bah. Humbug.

No one is coming for the Honors Day ceremony. Isn't that funny? I think it is. So I'm going with Melissa just to pick up cords then to her engineering lunch. I'm not even an engineer but she said all I have to do is listen to some people talk and I get free lunch. Why not.

Maggie and I are signing the lease for our condo for next year tomorrow. Finally - I'm SO looking forward to moving out of here. Some people came by this afternoon to look at our place and were gross and sweaty and smelly and walked all over with their shoes. It rained today. Rain = wet shoes = wet, smelly, dirty carpet. Seriously?

I'll end with a quote I found yesterday: "You get a little moody sometimes but I think that's because you like to read. People that like to read are always a little fucked up." -Pat Conroy

1 comment:

Colton and Alice said...

you are perfectly normal...what do you mean?