Thursday, December 4, 2008


There are 10 dimensions, in the 10th dimension every infinite possibility of every infinite possibility coexists. Unfortunately, we humans live in a miserly 3 dimensions where time is the greatest deceiver and thief. If only to be just one more level higher in the fourth dimension where one sees time linearly (like a mountain range) where there is a definite beginning and a definite ending that occur simultaneously with all moments in between. In the fourth dimension one could comprehensively understand that one neither dies, nor is born. However, when one did/does/will die he/she was/is/will be as old as the day he/she was/is/will be born: 0. Zero is very balanced, I like zero. It is the number of all things and for all things. It is the Alpha and the Omega. As a result, zero is what we all strive to become as humans (+ or - numbers) because of it's balance and purity. Zero adds nothing, zero takes nothing. Although, when multiplied by infinity, a number extremely, incomprehensibly, unfathomably grandiose, infinity decides to shed its narcissism to become like the zero. So, my question is why do I keep trying to add myself in the equation when there is nothing but zero? I would not be as naive as to suppose that one could become zero by simple addition. No, rather a form of complex subtraction. Who IS the mathematician, and if it is the zero then why does my number increase? These are questions I have no answer to. Similarly, these are questions I get no answer for. All I know for sure is that the world is an equation where every motion is calculable and every effect of every word is measurable. Our mysterious existence in this 3/10th dimension can be understood in any number of ways, this paragraph being a mere fraction of the equation.

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