Thursday, December 11, 2008


"Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart"
- Khalil Gibran

What a pretty quote. Too bad neither are working for me this week. Boo.

I made a cheese souffle to go with my dinner today. My dinner of some kind of mash of Italian sausage and vegetables I need to eat up before I leave. It's pretty tasty considering the fact that I've eaten a variation of this exact same meal almost everyday this week. Oh to be home and eat real food.

I packed today. I'm so ready to go home. This has been a long semester and an even longer week. I've never worked so hard on a research paper and felt like a failure at the end of it. It makes way less sense now than it did when I began. Uh oh. But good news is that I've now finished 4 finals (1 final, 2 lab practicals, 1 term paper) and only have one more to go. Oh phee-zaks how i despise thee.

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