Wednesday, March 25, 2009


1. The weather makes me unhappy. I hate rain.
2. Just because you don't study or care about school doesn't mean I don't.
3. It's not spring break. Stop acting like it is.
4. Turning on Christmas lights in March and keeping your laptop on ALL the time does not make you environmentally friendly. Or even environmentally conscious for that matter.
5. I'm completely unmotivated to do anything school-related. But I wrote part of my paper and went to MCAT class and attempted to study which was interrupted by loud people.
6. I dislike realtors. Especially those who don't call to let you know they will be walking through your apartment, much less with wet, rain-encrusted shoes.
7. I like Pilot EasyTouch pens.
8. I don't like that no one is coming to my ceremony nor cares.
9. I have headaches everyday. My neck hurts everyday. I blame my pillow.
10. Why do we have three empty wine bottles in our kitchen? If they're empty throw them away. It doesn't make you cool.

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